суббота, 8 февраля 2020 г.


As a positive sideeffect of this solution, the host memory requirements are now less than those of v0. Just overwrite the binaries. Directories containing dictionaries "You already know that with straight mode, you can specify a directory directly on the command line, and hashcat will loop through all of the dictionaries in that directory automatically. The following features that have been ported from regular oclHashcat v0. This change for example, now allows companies to use all Hashcat derivates as long such use is inside a legal context. I understood the need to fix the issue of 20 dictionaries together but I really don't see why you would need to use dictionaries at once. Check this thread and you know why I had to change my mind: oclhashcat-plus v0.13

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Thats why there is a small number of known bugs left. Or just some way to see the whole path would be cool. Something that already was included in the newer versions of oclHashcate-lite is the support for markov-chains.


Both parameters accept the 0 value which disables only this specific feature. As you might already know, porting features from regular oclHashcat to oclHashcat-plus was my biggest goal for this release.

Thu, 03 Jan But, it can still be more efficient than just traditional early checks. Get hashcat-utils, and run your dictionaries through splitlen.

hashcat Forum - Very old oclHashcat-plus Announcements

Please read the forum rules. The new autotune function helps you with that. If something does not work after upgrading - Always remember to update to the latest driver before you post a thread on the Forum. In other words, the solution to 2 was to optimize the code in special sections, and then use the resulting performance increase to compensate against the performance decrease.

AMD was not lazy, too.

[oclHashcat-plus v] Advanced Password Recovery

Since oclhashcatp-lus have support in oclHashcat-plus for --hex-salt, this will make your lives even easier. Sun, 18 Nov Posts: Almost forgot this one, can the word list window somehow truncate the paths to the word lists so the user can see which one they are selecting? Claim or contact us about this channel.

oclhashcat-plus v0.13

The first "real" ported alternative attack vector from hashcat CPU: This format cannot be reversed ochashcat-plus its original C code, but is still not a binary format that can be used for execution. It contains a lot of new features, improvements, changes and bugfixes. This greatly reduces desktop lags.

[oclHashcat-plus v0.15] Advanced Password Recovery

The salt has an optimization impact on the NVidia kernel that actually makes it a bit faster than the raw SHA hash. The overhead produced by the network agents is very low. Please check this issue with windows 8 x64 if possible. This new oclHashcat-plus was faster than every other WPA cracker in every configuration i had 0v.13.

oclhashcat-plus v0.13

But if you take a close look on it, the technical correct description would be: Rewrote workload dispatcher This was required to solve problem 3 from the password length increase, but it quickly turned out to add some unexpected benefits.

Check out the homepage http: Serpent and Twofish -- and their cascaded modes -- will be added next. Next one is the bcrypt oclhashcat-plue.

These hashes are salted. We have a total of registered users. The reason for this that i put in some system into the numbers.

Running an Brute-Force attack and Mask attack was already possible with oclHashcat-plus v0.

Guys, there is not much to say. Enough for today, check out the whole release notes: And it's actually much worse, since the 80k has to be divided by 5 because of the above reason.

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