суббота, 8 февраля 2020 г.


But first, he must figure out how to survive long enough playing what is basically a low-level fodder monster! To be fair, it was mainly because I had huge expectations. Andrew Rowe Narrated by: By the time I finished reading the entire book I was wishing that it would never end. I was given a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Without even a fraction of his previous power, he vows to pull through and have revenge on those who betrayed him. cephraels hand

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Fantastic start ceephraels this series and great narration. My main criticism is the seemingly forced epicness of the story. Oct 26, Ryan rated it really liked it. Nick Podell at his best yet again Yet another fantastic read, plenty of things going on to keep your mind enthralled.

This makes many most? More time should be spent with each character before jumping to another so as to better understand who each character is, and to become invested in the events surrounding each individually.

The world woven, the paths traversed, were so intricate and ce;hraels. Trell has little memory before he woke up on the shores and was taken in and trained by the Desert people, but there's certainly more to him than even he knows and his journey helps him to discover some of that.

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Then we have Ean, the last prince who is the last heir to the Eagle Throne and seeks to avenge cephraeos early death of his blood brother after an assassination attempt. In closing, keep an eye on this author.

cephraels hand

Once deeper into the series though, not only does it have romance, but a particular romance becomes one of the primary plotlines. Then there are the races, some of which are loosely based on the races hane Earth. I really cannot wait until the next part comes out, I am wanting more of this universe. He can't hide anymore. Maybe that's a plus for some; trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

Thank you also to Melissa McPhail for writing this novel that captured my heart.

Cephrael's Hand

This book is everything an epic fantasy book should be and well over enjoyable pages! Because I loved it, plain and simple.

cephraels hand

If you liked his narration of the Name of the Wind than you'll like this. I can't wait to read Book 2!!

Alright, but not enthralling. Indeed, these three are the pivotal characters in this monumental tapestry, even though others, hsnd the Fourth Vestal, Raine D'laCourte, and the Fifth, Bjorn van Gelderan, would seem much more important. I could go on about all the other cool aspects of the book the interesting magic system, the various unique races, etc.

Originally, I was going to do this review as an interview with one of the characters, but life got in the way and there is no way I have time to do so. I also enjoyed some of the characters being of questionable but not necessarily evil character. Ways that I do not yet see. The writing style is a bit schizophrenic.

Cephrael's Hand by Melissa McPhail

Cephrwels also a classically trained pianist, violinist and composer, a Vinyasa yoga instructor, and an avid tea drinker. In particular there was once scene where Tanis is curiously asking a bunch of questions about how haggling works in a market and a grouchy guard cephraelss answering him and I loved the raw curiosity and honesty in this scene.

Cpehraels maybe I wasn't meant to discover it when I did? Most of the characters were not very original. On this first reading I'm saying I might have to do a second to really appreciate it moreI didn't pick up any inconsistencies. Did you have an emotional reaction to this book? And I think a publisher should take interest in these books and this writer and help tailor these books to match their potential.

Also included is a detailed list of all the characters, which also encompasses the gods. Shemer Kuznits Narrated by:

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